Listen Ye Well.
Loquacious by name
or by nature indeed.
It's man's greatest folly,
his linguistic greed.
The quest for life's wisdom
has all come to nought.
Replaced by the noise
of attention being sought.
Loquacious am I! Epicurean muse.
Loquacious I am! (Just like Dr Suess).
Our ancestors knew
that silence was golden.
They left us with prose
to which we should hold on,
’Qui nescit tacere,’
or listen ye well
’Nescit et loqui,’
before tales ye can tell.
As words they come cheap,
when shrink-wrapped and packed.
It may well be our downfall,
our verbal Big Mac.
So quiet your mind,
And soon you will learn,
when it comes time to speak,
you'll know it’s your turn.